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Though hard work is often a factor in success, one's level of output does not always determine success in their field — and entrepreneurship is no exception.
When I first opened the (digital) doors of my content marketing agency, I was responsible for every function including prospecting, pitching, and executing each project — along with juggling the administrative tasks of running a business at the same time.
If you're a small business owner, I'm sure you'll agree that your company's financial health is your top priority. And with that comes the need for accurate and agile accounting for your business.
I've seen some amazing startups grow from tiny beginnings to huge companies over the years. Take Facebook — it started as a way for college students to connect, and now it's used by people all over the world. And Uber? It started with a few cars in San Francisco and grew into a service you can use in cities everywhere.
"You need to be constantly leveling up your skills."
Some might say cold calling is dead. However, it's far from the truth.
There are more than 13 million sales jobs in the U.S. — that's more than all the teachers, doctors, nurses, and police officers combined. Before you apply to your next role, educate yourself about the types of sales jobs in the market to find your perfect fit.
When was the last time you really looked around the toothpaste aisle?
Between ebooks, case studies, data sheets, proposals, and contracts, the average human probably sends email attachments on a daily, if not hourly, basis. If this is you, I have some breaking news to share: There are some better ways to say, "Please find attached."
Closing is a make-or-break moment in sales. When you use the right phrases, tips, and techniques, you ensure your efforts in nurturing prospects amount to sealing sales deals. However, many salespeople feel apprehensive about closing deals. Success in closing a sale wouldn't be so thrilling without high emotional stakes, like fear of failure and rejection.